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What is May Feelings?

May Feelings is a service that connects people from all around the World to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of Prayers, comments and messages. People write short updates of their profiles, called "Prays" of 259 characters or fewer. These prayers are posted to peoples profiles, sent to their followers, and are searchable on May Feelings search tool.

Do I need anything special to use it?

All you need to use May Feelings is an internet connection or a mobile phone. Join us here! Once you're in, type your first update into the web box. To get an idea of what other people are saying or doing on May Feelings, check out May Feelings search to see what May Feelings is all about. You can search by keyword or just check out the Now Praying topics to see what people are praying for on May Feelings right now.

What is the Pray button?

The Pray button is the cornerstone of May Feelings. It is the direct channel between that persons feelings and yourself, through the power of prayer.

What does the Pray button imply?

Every time you pray for someone on May Feelings, you are committing yourself to actually pray for that persons feelings. Every prayer counts. Every prayer is a yes, a commitment to that person, a sincere gesture to pray.

What are "My 5"?

You can find "My Five" on your profile page clicking on your name. These are real people that share their prayers to the world. These five people are a unique sequence of people assigned to you. There is no other sequence repeated on May Feelings. They are unique for you to pray for.

TIP: Remember they change every 24h!

What is "Now Praying"?

Want to know what are people currently praying for? Now praying gives you the possibility to do so, and to join people from around the world to pray together in real time.

What are "10 Most Prayed"?

Have you ever wondered what are the things that have been most prayed on May Feelings? With the 10 Most Prayed you can discover the most popular pray topics people have prayed for.

How can I Search for Prayers and People?

Want to search for concrete prayers? Want to know if anyone is also praying for a friend in common? You can simply type his name or his prayers on the search box and look for it.

How do I invite friends to May Feelings?

When you create an account, you can import friends from other networks, invite friends via email or search for people by name or user name on the search box. If you don't want to do that, we recommend you follow some of the people that appear on My 5. Once you've found your friends, follow them to start getting their prayers.

What does it mean to follow someone on May Feelings?

Following someone simply means receiving their prayer updates. When you follow someone, every time they post a new prayer, it will appear on your May Feelings home page. New prayers are added to your home page as people post them, so you always get the updates in real time. When you log in, you can see what the latest prayers are. May Feelings offers other ways to follow people too: you can get updates from certain people on your phone!

How do I know who I'm following?

After you click the 'Follow' button on someone's profile, you're following them. The 'Follow' button will change to grey and will say 'Unfollow'. See a list of people you're following by clicking on the following link on your page's sidebar.

How do I know who is following me?

May Feelings sends you an email when someone new follows you. Set up your email preferences to notify you when you have a new follower. The 'Followers' link on your page's sidebar will also tell you how many followers you have.

Can I translate a prayer from a different language?

Yep! If you see a prayer in a different language from yours you can always translate this by clicking on "Translate".

How can I mention someone on a prayer?

When you write a Pray, you can mention a person you follow or that follows you. You only have to type "@" on your pray and it will automatically show up a list of people that you can mention. Write down a prayer and involve more people to pray!

Who reads my prayers?

No one outside May Feelings can read any of your "Prays" or anything you share.
Only your followers read your updates and the people registered on May Feelings. Nobody outside May Feelings can read them. If someone runs a search for a keyword in your prayer inside May Feelings, that person may be able to see your "Pray".

How does May Feelings treat everything I share such as Prays, Personal Information, Messages, Comments?

May Feelings is specially concerned in ensuring the safety and privacy of any information you share, especially for personal intentions (Prays), messages, comments and personal data. Prays and comments made by any user of May Feelings will be exclusively only used for other users on the site to read and pray for, such information will not be used outside May Feelings. On the other hand, May Feelings will not be responsible for any users inadequate use of comments, Prays and other content outside the social network.

Likewise, we remind you that the information you bring to May Feelings are included in our registered files with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (Agencia de Protección de Datos). The Spanish Agency for Data Protection is responsible for ensuring compliance with privacy laws and data protection and ensuring the security and privacy of the same.

Can I Pray anonymously for other peoples prayers?

Yes you can. On the preference panel, you can make the prayers you pray for anonymously. If you don't feel comfortable when you pray for a concrete prayer, you don't necessarily need to make it public. Not everyone prays in the same way. Either way, we encourage you to use your real name to get the most out of May Feelings.

Can I block people from following me?

Yes, you can. If you block someone, they won't be able to follow you or send you any messages. If it's a spammer you're blocking, thanks! May Feelings Support keeps an eye on block reports to see who's getting in trouble on May Feelings.

How can I send updates to May Feelings?

May Feelings offers many ways to post updates: from the web in the update pray box, from your smart phone, or from your mobile web browser.

What are comments?

Comments are public messages sent that people can make on a concrete prayer and that any user on May Feelings can view. You can only make comments on people you follow or on people's prayers that you have prayed for.

What are direct messages?

Direct messages are personal messages sent from one person to another; they do not appear in the public timeline, like a comment or mention. You can only send a direct message to a person who follows you. When you receive a direct message, we save it in your direct message inbox, accessible by clicking side bar on the "Direct Messages" tab. You can also send direct messages to a group of people that follow you. Only the people that follow each other will receive the replies. (Currently this service is open, we are working to limit each person to decide your personal taste, sorry for the inconvenience). You can also set your email preferences to notify you by mail if you have a new message.

What is the difference between a comment and a direct message?

A comment is a public message sent regardless of follow-ship that anyone can view. A direct message can only be sent by someone you follow, and is a message that only the sender and recipient/s can view in their direct messages inbox.

Can I edit a Prayer once I've posted it?

Nope. Once it's out there, you can't edit it. You can delete an update by clicking the "x" icon on the right end of the prayer, but you can't make changes.

What's a Repray?

It's the best way to share a prayer with all of your followers. It will basically re-post their message to your profile and activity feed.

What are Verified Prayers?

Some users have a green icon on their profiles, this are confirmed prayers by us. They are well known people by the public eye that really use that profile. In order to become a verified users email us to Verify your Account.

How do I upload a profile picture to May Feelings?

Uploading a profile image on is easy! You only have to click on you avatar image right on your profile page.

Can I download the application?

Yes! You can download the application for smartphones here: Download the Pray App for Android phones, iPhone and iPad.

Is there a May Feelings API?

Not yet, May Feelings is its early days and we are working very hard to reach all these facilities to developers as soon as possible.

How do I report spam?

We encourage you to always block any spammers you find. May Feelings Safety team keeps an eye on block reports to see who's getting in trouble on May Feelings. But a million eyes can see more than just a few. We cannot get to all Prayers that might be offensive, or that simply are not in accordance with our Rules of Good Use. Please help us target these offensive prayers by clicking on the report icon (show icon on tutorial) that will be automatically be sent to our administration panel to be reviewed by us.

Why are accounts suspended?

Accounts are suspended for Terms & Conditions violations or spam investigation.

Where can I find out more information about May Feelings Terms & Conditions?

May Feelings Terms & Conditions are posted on the website, and so are the Rules of Good Use

How do I submit a complaint about copyright, impersonation, trademark, or other Terms of Service issues?

Review our Terms & Conditions to find out what constitutes a violation, and how to go about fixing a related problem.

Is there a place where I can find out if there are problems with May Feelings?

Yes. Read the May Feelings Status Blog, or follow us @support.

Still wondering about something?

If none of these questions had been of any help, please write our help center: We will try to do our best and respond you as soon as possible.